Personal protective equipment (PPE) is needed by workers to maintain security and safety in a risky work environment. This is because there are many potential hazards in the work environment, for example the fall of heavy objects, injury by production machinery, or exposure to chemicals.
Companies need to exercise control to help workers avoid injuries, illnesses, and other potential hazards in the work environment. To protect workers from hazards in the workplace, companies also need to create a safe and healthy work environment.
Controlling Potential Dangers in the Work Environment
The best way to control potential hazards at work is to control the source. This can be done by companies by managing or eliminating sources of danger as much as possible. Some things the company can do are:- Eliminating, replacing, or redesigning factors that could be a potential source of danger.
- Replace or modify dangerous equipment and materials.
- Change the way and work processes.
- Conduct a potential hazard assessment in the work environment to identify and control hazards to the health and safety of workers.
- Provide appropriate PPE for workers and train workers in using and maintaining PPE.
- Maintain PPE regularly (including replacing damaged PPE) periodically, reviewing, updating, and evaluating the effectiveness of programs using PPE.
The Importance of Using Personal Protective Equipment
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), personal protective equipment is equipment used to protect workers from accidents or illnesses caused by contact or exposure to potential hazards in the work environment, whether physical, chemical, or biological. PPE is needed to protect workers if there are emergency response hazards or exposure to potential physical, chemical and biological hazards. Exposure routes include breathing, skin, mouth (oral), and mucous membranes (for example through the eyes or open sores). Therefore, the use of PPE is adjusted to the potential hazards in the workplace. The type of personal protective equipment required in the work environment varies, depending on the activities carried out and the types of hazards in the work environment. Some examples of personal protective equipment are gloves, safety shoes, protective glasses, protective clothing, ear protection equipment (ear muffs, ear plugs), helmets, and masks. In order to maintain security and safety in the work environment, workers must also understand how to use PPE properly, attend training on the use of PPE, maintain the cleanliness and maintenance of PPE, and notify supervisors if PPE is not functioning properly. Personal protection when working is very important to note. Otherwise, injuries or illnesses arising from work can cause serious health problems, disability, and even death. If you experience health complaints related to your work, see a doctor immediately.- Dermaga Apung HDPE
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